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  • Taking answers straight from your Bible, this book deals with some of the most commonly asked questions about God, about our daily lives, about the future, questions like, “What happens when we die?”, “Is there really a Hell?”, or, “Will suffering ever end?”
  • Uncle Arthur's Bedtime stories Mini-book is the perfect way to introduce a new generation of children to these true stories by Uncle Arthur Maxwell. This 7x5 inch, 32-page mini-book contains seven true character-building stories your child will love. These classic stories bring out moral and character-building lessons that will strengthen the mind and spirit of your child. Selected from the five-volume set of Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories, each story is only 5 to 10 minutes long, with beautiful color illustrations. For Ages 4-12.
  • The Desire of Ages is a proven source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason, for it deals with a universal yearning—the desire for living life to its fullest with the knowledge that we are here for a reason. That we are loved. An all-time best-seller, this book on the life of Christ is without parallel anywhere. It tells the story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known—JesusChrist. It does not merely set down a series of remote events; it presents the meaning of them so vividly that you will feel like you are an eyewitness to what is being described. And in these pages, you will understand, possibly for the first time, the true, underlying significance of Christ’s deeds and their bearing on your own life here and now
  • Share stories taken from the pages of Scripture with your Children. The Bible Story Mini-Book contains seven classic Bible stories from both the old and new testament. Your children will be delighted by the wonderful color illustrations and enjoy the stories written in easy to understand language. Each story is only 5 to 10 minutes long. For Ages 4-12, 7x5 inch Mini-book, 32 pages.
  • Storytime Adventures: Stories That Will Teach Values and Inspire Your Child A boy battles a cougar on a dark mountainside. A girl risks her life to save a dog from an icy river. A pirate captain makes a surprising turnaround after his attack on a ship mysteriously fails. These are just a few of the gripping true stories that await you inside this book. Along with tales of dramatic rescues and heart-stopping adventures, you'll meet everyday kids dealing with everyday situations: schoolwork, bullying, family drama, and more. You'll see how young people fueled by honesty, generosity, courage, and kindness have made a positive impact on their world. You will also discover the secrets behind the great character lessons of life that will make a difference even in life's toughest situations. This books is especially designed for parents and grandparents to share with children. Each story includes discussion questions to help kids unpack the lessons it teaches. If you want to spark your children's sense of imagination and wonder while inspiring them with admirable role models, open this book and get ready for an adventure!  Your children will be delighted by the wonderful color illustrations, and enjoy the 24 amazing true stories written in easy to understand language; for Ages 7-12.
  • Steps to Christ  leads those looking for meaning in life to discover it in Jesus Christ and, step by step, to find forgiveness, confidence, security and real joy. Bring peace to troubled hearts with one of the best resources on successfully living the Christian life ever written. People everywhere are searching for peace. They need the power to cope with the "storms" in their lives. Peace above the storm is the answer to the problems people are facing today. This all-time best-seller, printed in over 100 languages, has already brought comfort and inspiration to millions of readers. It could be the most important book you have ever read." This book is one of the great spiritual classics of all time.
  • People everywhere are searching for peace. They need the power to cope with the “storms” in their lives. Peace above the storm is the answer to the problems people are facing today. This all-time best-seller, printed in over 100 languages, has already brought comfort and inspiration to millions of readers. It could be the most important book you have ever read.” This book is one of the great spiritual classics of all time. Attractively designed with beautiful nature photos, Bible promises, large print, and 7 heartwarming stories.
  • My Forever Friend: Story Adventures with Jesus  Introduce your children to the most important Friend they will ever have.  Contains nine delightful Bible stories of Jesus from his birth to His return to Heaven.  Read about some of the amazing things Jesus did while He lived on Earth -- Healing a paralyzed man, stopping a storm, feeding thousands of people with one boy's lunch, and even raising a dead girl back to life.  Your children will be delighted by the wonderful color illustrations, and enjoy the stories written in easy to understand language; for Ages 4-7.
  • by Hans Diehl, MD and Aileen Ludinton, MD This book will help you discover—day by day and step by step—not for a better life, but for the best life! So the principles herein will add years to your life and zest to your years. You can live on tiptoe, double your energy, banish aches and pains, thrive on the cutting edge. Get ready for your second wind—a new life filled with vigor and enthusiasm. You will also discover and learn:
    • how to prevent and even reverse many of today's major killer diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and stress.
    • how to make sense out of confusing and often contradictory health information and to understand why today's breakthroughs often become tomorrow's embarrassments.
    • how to strengthen your social and family relationships, as well as cultivate a more meaningful spiritual life.
    Reviews "This may be the most practical key to a better lifestyle that many of us have ever found." -Dan Matthews, former executive producer and TV host of Lifestyle Magazine. "The greatest challenge of Western medicine is to educate and motivate patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This book does exactly that-with clarity, charm, and thoroughness." —William Castelli, M.D., former director, Framingham Heart Study. "These are important concepts that, when internalized, will do more to improve your health and extend your life than all the technological wonders of natural health management." —Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., Cleveland Clinic. "A solid book, clearly written, providing a sensible introduction to the basis of natural health management." —John Robbins, author, Diet for a New America ISBN: 978-0828025942 Pages: 252 pages, hardcover Dimensions: 10.8 x 8 x 0.7 inches


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